Leader: Fr. Carroll, OFM
Extraordinary Ministers of the Cup, formerly referred to as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, assist the Priest and Deacon in the distribution of Holy Communion. These ministers are usually referred to as Ministers of the Cup because most Parishes have a Deacon who, with the Priest, are the regular Ministers of the Body of Christ. However, when a Deacon is not present to assist the Priest, or if there are extra Holy Communion Stations, a trained Minister of the Cup may be asked to fill that station for distribution of the Body of Christ. Because the directive from Rome state that the laity are "Extraordinary Ministers", if there are sufficient Priests and Deacons available at a given celebration they would ordinarily serve as the Ministers of Holy Communion. At St. Augustine we regularly require two of the laity to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion. Any member eighteen and over can perform this ministry. Training is held periodically. For more information call the Church Office at 274-0655.